
Information for the bus trip to the Mentelity Games

Are you going to the Mentelity Games by bus? Then it's a good idea to read the post below carefully. Here you will find all the information you need to know to be well prepared for the trip. If you still have questions, you can always contact us! 

Getting there
The bus will leave Bilthoven Sunday evening, April 3, at 11:30 pm. Travelers are requested to be present at the venue no later than 10: 30 pm. This gives the bus driver and you enough time to properly pack the bus, help the people in the bus and leave on time towards Switzerland. So make sure you are on time!

Buses will depart from a parking lot in Bilthoven (De Driehoek, Emmaplein 5), which is easily accessible by public transport (Bilthoven station). Cars that need to be parked during the trip can be parked across the tracks at the P+R on Rembrandtlaan.

Return trip
The buses will leave for the Netherlands again on Saturday, April 9. At 07:00 the bus will leave for the Netherlands, so it is important to be ready at 6:15 at the then designated place. It is early, but this has everything to do with the arrival time in the Netherlands. People should still be able to go home by public transport or cab when they return(estimated time of arrival 21:30 in Bilthoven).

The buses will arrive at a Parking Lot in Bilthoven (De Driehoek, Emmaplein 5).

Bringing large objects
If you are coming by bus and need to bring some large objects (your own shower stool, extra wheelchair, etc.), please contact us. Then we can arrange with the bus company how we can bring that along in the easiest way. Above all, do not hesitate to contact us if you want to bring something with you.

If you don't need to bring a lot of other stuff, try to bring one large travel bag (preferably no hard cases) + carry-on luggage. That way we can bring extra stuff for people who need it! From the Mentelity Foundation the trip will be coordinated by Doris van der Burg, who will be in contact with the other members of the organization in Switzerland during the trip.

The Mentelity Foundation will still indicate for each family/person which bus you will be on. We make this division to ensure that everyone is on the bus with the appropriate facilities or a travel buddy. The adapted bus for wheelchair users also has an adapted toilet that can be used during the trip. At stops it is possible to get off the bus with the wheelchair.